Monday, March 31, 2014

Play Ball

It's finally here, opening day for American baseball. I am a major fan of America’s favorite pastime. Some say the game is just too boring or long to watch, but I am there for the first pitch and the final out, I enjoy the atmosphere and the game. I am sure you’ll be going to cheer your favorite team from now until hopefully October. With that being said, you need to look the part. Yes, we all wear a t-shirt of our team or a jersey of our favorite player, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look fashionable doing it. Adding a blazer or jacket to your simple t-shirt can take it to post-game plays at a bar, friend’s house or party. For the ladies, Ked’s or Nikes are always a good shoe selection for a baseball game, but if you want to throw a curveball into the look add heels. Nothing too much, again this is a sporting event, but if you know you’ll have plans after or coming from work try the heels. However, just because you are wearing heels doesn’t mean you need to dress up the look anymore. No flashy jewelry in baseball that will be three strikes and you’ll be out.  So ladies and gentlemen, play ball!

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