Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Free Flowing

Spring isn’t fully here yet, but it sure does feel like it with the sun shining. Since it isn’t fully tank tops and shorts season yet, it doesn’t hurt to wear fewer layers. However, people see the sun and go from 0 to 60 with their wardrobe decisions, shorts and t-shirts; we just aren’t fully there yet in Ohio. Find a happy medium in this transition period between winter and spring. For this, wear your longer skirts but dress the top up with a lighter sweater, like the one you see. For your jeans, roll them up, showing a little skin with a shirt and cardigan. Dust off your dress and added them to your choices to wear in the upcoming weeks. Make sure your outfit is ready for spring or winter, in Ohio you never know what could happen hour to hour. 

Sweater: Staring At Stars
Skirt: Old Navy
Boots: Ecote

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